Legal and Policies
The Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion (DLCC) is a registered charity in the United Kingdom, charity number 1164491. The DLCC’s charity commission page can be accessed here. In addition, the DLCC is incorporated as a Private Limited Company, company number 9353205.
The accounts of the DLCC are handled by Edwards and Keeping chartered account Unity Chambers, 34 High E St, Dorchester DT1 1HA www.edwardsandkeeping.co.uk. A copy of the charity’s annual accounts is available via our charity commission page here.
The DLCC has a safeguarding policy which is reviewed annually and follows the guidance of the charity commission and other leading charitable bodies in developing and implementing safeguarding policy. A copy of our safeguarding policy can be downloaded here.
Privacy Policy
A copy of the privacy policy for the DLCC and Compassion Matters can be viewed here.